Clyde Farm

63 Meetinghouse Hill Road
Farmington, NH

  MOFGA Certified Organic

Clyde Farm is entering its 6th season in operation. We continue to produce Certified Organic Poultry, Vegetables, Cut Flowers and Beef. In Fall of 2023 we will offer pork as well as firewood. The majority of products are distributed through our diverse CSA program that sells out each year. We also offer our chicken and ground beef CSAs to be picked up at Stout Oak Farm in Brentwood NH.

What We Sell


Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, salad greens, onions, garlic, winter squash and more




Chicken, beef, lamb, pork, turkey



How to Buy Our Local Food

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Summer CSA, debit Style & boxed share options, accepts SNAP as payment; Vegetable, meat, flowers


July-September: Saturdays, 11AM-6PM , October-June: Saturdays, 11AM-3PM (by appointment only)

Accepts SNAP at Farmstand

Information listed on this page is submitted directly by the farms and fisheries on an annual basis. Seacoast Eat Local is not responsible for errors or omissions. Seasonal changes are part of farming. Please contact farms directly to confirm hours and product availability.