Kelly Orchards

Kelly Orchards is a family fruit farm in business since 1982. We think community is important. We try and focus our marketing locally, we try to do business and support our neighbors and make every effort to employ local folks. We think the environment is important. We focus our pest management program on the most up to date practices using IPM and trying to produce our crops in an environmentally responsible way. We think diversity is important and support efforts locally and nationally that promote diversity. We think quality is important. We try and harvest our crops at the proper stage of maturity and ripeness to provide the best eating experience possible.
Blueberries, peaches, plums, apple, pears
Apple cider and hard ciders
Pick Your Own
Peaches, plums, apples
Farmers' Markets
Summer: Kennebunk, Kittery, Sanford
At farm (call ahead)
Information listed on this page is submitted directly by the farms and fisheries on an annual basis. Seacoast Eat Local is not responsible for errors or omissions. Seasonal changes are part of farming. Please contact farms directly to confirm hours and product availability.